2024 Climate & Disaster Resilience Roundtable

Black Resilience Network Returns to DC for Relationship Building, Education, and Advocacy

In February of 2023, the Black Resilience Network co-hosted the first convening at the White House focused on climate resilience in Black communities. There were over 75 attendees including 24 representatives of the Black Resilience Network, federal agencies, trade associations, and other Black-led organizations. We had a follow up meeting after the roundtable at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters with FEMA officials and representatives from the FEMA African American Federal Employee Resource Group (FERG).

Since February 2023, the Black Resilience Network has supported several community based organizations with their post-disaster recovery efforts through our Emergency Operations Centers. We also expanded the membership to over 100 organizations across 22 states.

Pre-Roundtable Activities

FEMA Risk & Crisis Communications Summit

On June 10, 2024, a group of Black Resilience Network members attended the 2024 FEMA Risk & Crisis Communications Summit at the National Academy of Sciences. Black Resilience Network convener, Dr. Atyia Martin, participated in the Community Engagement Panel at the full-day FEMA summit which was live streamed on C-Span. Watch the recording of the panel at https://nldc.io/fema-engagement-panel or click below:

Pictures of Dr. Atyia Martin on the Community Engagement Panel

Several Black Resilience Network members gathered for a picture before lunch.

From left to right: Mr. Joe Gilliom, Unity in Disasters; Dr. Annelle Primm, All Healers Mental Health Alliance; Mrs. Tracy Hadley, Love Without Walls; Ms. LaWanda Fluker, Mt. Nebo Church; Honorary Mayor Tanya Debose, Independence Heights Redevelopment Council & Preserving Communities of Color; and Dr. Atyia Martin, Next Leadership Development & All Aces, Inc.

Brookings Institution Prep Session

From 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM, 20 Black Resilience Network members met at the Brookings Institution. We used this time to get to know each other and prepared for our afternoon session at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters.

Dr. David Fakunle, President of the National Association of Black Storytellers, provided guidance to Black Resilience Network members on best practices for telling authentic stories about the work the disaster and climate resilience work they are doing in Black communities.

2024 Disaster & Climate Resilience Roundtable

Black Resilience Network members, FEMA and other federal agencies, and other national organizations.

At 2:00 PM, Black Resilience Network members, federal agencies, and national associations gathered at FEMA Headquarters for a tour of the National Response Coordination Center, briefings on resources, and then transitioned to the official Disaster & Climate Resilience Roundtable we co-hosted with:

  • the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships - thank you Director Marcus Coleman, Deputy Director Nicole Wood, and team for your partnership; and

  • All Healers Mental Health Alliance (AHMHA), convened by Dr. Annelle Primm - AHMHA, a founding member of the Black Resilience Network and close partner on the Black Resilience Network Operations Center.

The following Black Resilience Network members shared their experiences leading disaster recovery efforts in their communities, the challenges they have faced, and opportunities to improve the process.

Hero of the Week

The hero of the week is Next Leadership Development's Chief of Staff, Shauntea Gregory! She prepared and organized the group with love - she sacrificed early mornings and late nights to ensure every Black Resilience Network member that wanted to attend had the opportunity to do so. She facilitated every step of the process for every member and advocated on their behalf whenever there were barriers. Next Leadership Development is grateful for her service - I am grateful for her.

Dr. Atyia Martin and Shauntea Gregory

Shauntea Gregory and Princess Shaw